Fighting Fantasy Fan
The Fighting Fantasy fansite in which YOU become the hero!

A new look for the website

I gave the FFF website a facelift yesterday, with a new WP theme. I had been running the old one since 2014 on a stock theme I found, and while it worked it wasn’t great. At one point they updated the theme and made the heading and banner a full laptop-sized screen by itself. The site barely worked on mobile, and it did not have ADA/a11y in mind.

Nine years was a long time to keep ignoring that.

So, here’s the new one. It’s brown instead of yellow, and it’s not particularly beautiful because I’m a programmer and not a designer. But it’s more functional and less cramped, and that’s a start.

Now, back into the Fangs of Fury.


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First published April 1, 2023. Last updated April 1, 2023.