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Lone Wolf

The Lone Wolf series was written by Joe Dever. It ran for 28 books from 1984 to 1998.

Although each book could stand alone, the set formed a coherent story arc as your character developed and the world expanded. The world and its stories inspired a spinoff series and a video game, and in 2016 the Lone Wolf series a 29th book was published to continue the series. The plans to continue to 32 never did happen, however, as Joe died in 2016 after a long illness.

Many of the books are available for free at Project Aon thanks to Joe Dever’s generosity.


Original Lone Wolf Series

1 Flight from the Dark
2 Fire on the Water
3 The Caverns of Kalte
4 The Chasm of Doom
5 Shadow on the Sand
6 The Kingdoms of Terror
7 Castle Death
8 The Jungle of Horrors
9 The Cauldron of Fear
10 The Dungeons of Torgar
11 The Prisoners of Time
12 The Masters of Darkness
13 The Plague Lords of Ruel
14 The Captives of Kaag
15 The Darke Crusade

I quit playing after book 15, and actually quit halfway through 15. After the first five they became repetitive, and after ten even boring. So my adventure ended there.


Video Games

Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf (video game)


The World of Lone Wolf: Grey Star

1 Grey Star the Wizard
2 The Forbidden City
3 Beyond the Nightmare Gate
4 War of the Wizards


Tags to Other Adventures

Brian Williams Gary Chalk Joe Dever Kai Lone Wolf Magnakai Magnamund

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First published July 6, 2016. Last updated March 31, 2023.