Fighting Fantasy Fan
The Fighting Fantasy fansite in which YOU become the hero!

Tag: Magnamund

The Darke Crusade

March 14, 2022

YOU continue to be the hero of Magnamund, to stop a Drakkar wizard from getting his hands on the evil version of the Lorestones. The nation of Lencia is still at war with the Drakkarim, and they have some bad news. The bad guys also have a lost, legendary stone that will give them superpowers. […]

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War of the Wizards

March 8, 2022

YOU are still Grey Star the Wizard… as you return from the not-so-mysterious Daziarn Plane with the magic rock in hand. That took three books to accomplish step two of your plan. Now it’s time make your move on Shasarak the Wytch-King, to assassinate him and make the world a better place. But it won’t […]

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Beyond the Nightmare Gate

YOU continue being Grey Star the Wizard on a quest for the magical Moonstone which can defeat the big bad wizard emperor. In book two, you found your way across the swamps and to the Shadow Gate, and here in book three you delve into the mysterious Daziarn plane, a world of mystery and dream […]

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Grey Star the Wizard

YOU become Grey Star the Wizard, protege of the ancient and mysterious Shianti wizards. The wytch-king Shasarak rules the Shadakine Empire, where nobody is happy. The magical Shianti would love to do something about it, but they are forbidden to interfere with human affairs. So, when someone left a baby on their doorstep they saw […]

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The Forbidden City

YOU become Grey Star the Wizard and and at the end of book 1 you were torn up, exhausted of magic, and doomed to be eaten by giant mantis creatures… immediately before you were rescued by the Kundi people you had hoped to find. The Kundi shaman says that the Shadow Gate will appear for […]

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The Captives of Kaag

July 17, 2021

YOU become the rescuer of your old friend Banedon, who somehow got himself kidnapped and taken to the Darklands. Yeah, that’s the story. After 14 volumes of all-out war and world-threatening terrorism, it feels almost quaint, right? No wait, check that… The nazradim sorcerers will force him to teach them his magic. They’re already magicians, […]

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The Plague Lords of Ruel

July 15, 2021

YOU are still the hero even after a few years off to become a teacher. After book 12, some 10 years ago, the Darklords and their servants are scattered and fighting among themselves, and are no match for the combined armies of Magnamund. It’s not peace, but it’s not a hopeless war. You (Lone Wolf) […]

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The Masters of Darkness

March 4, 2021

YOU become the savior of Magnamund in this final adventure of Lone Wolf. Having survived the Daziarn Plane, Lone Wolf crosses the Shadow Gate back into Magnamund. He arrives in the company of two old friends, and also some bad news: he has been gone for eight years. The armies of the Darklords have continued […]

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The Dungeons of Torgar

February 7, 2021

YOU continue your quest for the Lorestones. Darklord Gnaag appeared at the end of book 9, saying that he has the last three stones. Later reports indicated that they are in the fortress of Torgar, where Darklord wizards are attempting to de-magicalify them to stop Lone Wolf from getting any more powerful. But the rest […]

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The Cauldron of Fear

January 7, 2020

YOU become a general in the king’s army of Sommerlund. It’s all-out war. The Darklords of Helgedad and the nation of Vassagonia (remember them from book 4 and 5?) have allied again, and their combined armies are invading the rest of Magnamund, leaving fiery wreckage in their wake. The king of Sommerlund has reached out […]

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The Jungle of Horrors

December 12, 2019

YOU continue being the hero. Only a few days after the events in Castle Death, the wizards inform you that they know the location of the next Lorestone — the Danarg Swamp. Way back a bajillion years ago, the Danarg Swamp was a beautiful place. But you know, eight thousand years is a long time […]

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Castle Death

October 22, 2018

YOU become yet another dungeon-diver in search of another Lorestone. In the previous book, Lone Wolf needed the fabled Lorestone to legitimize his desire to establish a new Kai Kollege ™. But guess what? A little ret-con here, the book now says that there are seven of the damn things. This one is inside a […]

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The Kingdoms of Terror

October 20, 2018

YOU want to become the founder of a whole-new order of Kai. In the last book, Lone Wolf found out about the fabled Book of Magnakai which contains the best secrets and superpowers that apparently have been lost to modern Kai. Well, one of the first things he learns from the book (aside from an […]

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Shadow on the Sand

December 16, 2017

YOU become an ambassador, sent to  sign a peace treaty. The king of Vassagonia feels really bad about that army invading Sommerlund back in Chasm of Doom, and wants to make amends with a peace treaty. Kind of like how Battlestar Galactica started. You arrive in Vassagonia and find that the old king has died […]

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Chasm of Doom

October 22, 2017

YOU become a noble hunting for gold. When a shipment of gold goes missing, the king sent in the army but they never came back. What do you do then? Send Lone Wolf. You and a score of feckless redshirts head south to Ruanon, and along the way are ambushed repeatedly by bandits who seem […]

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The Caverns of Kalte

September 15, 2017

YOU become the arctic explorer sent by the King to bring Vonotar back to Sommerland for trial. You may not have heard of him in Flight From The Dark, and may not have met him in Fire on the Water, but he’s been there — the wizard who betrayed Sommerland’s guild of magicians and helped […]

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Flight From The Dark

September 7, 2017

YOU become a C student and a refugee when the Kai monastery is destroyed. It’s the same general legend you’ve heard before a la Mordor. A zillion years ago, a whole nation of evil monsters, victory for the good guys thanks to a magic sword, then nobody checking on the monster kingdom for a thousand […]

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Fire On The Water

YOU become a courier on a mission to fetch the Sommerswerd from the neighboring kingdom to the east. After that big battle with the Darklords a zillion years ago, the kingdom of Sommerlund (which is adjacent to Mordor)  gave away the evil-quenching Sommerswerd to the kingdom of Durenor to the east (located safely far away […]

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Lone Wolf

July 6, 2016

The Lone Wolf series was written by Joe Dever. It ran for 28 books from 1984 to 1998. Although each book could stand alone, the set formed a coherent story arc as your character developed and the world expanded. The world and its stories inspired a spinoff series and a video game, and in 2016 […]

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