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Countdown to California: Walloped in Wellton

And my playthrough of Freeway Warrior 4: California Countdown comes to a tragic end.

We got back from a scouting mission with a little bit of food and no water, but with a new person in tow. He’s full of information about the road ahead, though, so that’s great. He also knows about a well where we can fill up our water tanks. This sort of smells like a trap, but since we”re desperate…

Turns out it wasn’t a trap at all. The road sucks, and I hurt myself for 4 points of damage with heavy labor pumping for hours, but Jaeger was true: fresh water, and lots of it.

We get back and have a big ol’ party, everyone doing shots of water and eating canned creamed corn. I take off with Kate and presumably get some, because I have to eat a meal from my backpack to make up the protein loss and dehydration. Those clanner chicks, am I right?

The next day we move on. As I drive into the town of Wellton, someone opens fire with a machine gun, flattening my tires and causing me to lose control. The test is for driving + endurance >= 25, and mine add up to 22. Meaning I crash into a wall and am helplessly injured. I suffer for only a few moments, though: a bandit steps into my fading vision and puts a bullet in me.

My adventure ends here.


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First published July 13, 2020. Last updated December 15, 2020.