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Grey Star the Wizard, fun times

I started playing Grey Star the Wizard, which is The World of Lone Wolf book 1. It’s a totally different story arc from the Kai, though many game mechanics are similar.

And I’ve been too busy playing it and enjoying it, to post about it. 🙂

The story line is pretty novel: You’re a wizard who’s been raised far, far away on a hidden island. But finally, the aloof wizards decide they can’t abide the big bad guy back on the mainland any longer. So they send you, Grey Star the Wizard, to find help and then assassinate the evil emperor.

Yeah, I lied: it’s not novel at all.

But it is well-written and quite enjoyable.

Grey Star is on the run with two other runaway prisoners. They die tragically, but were with us long enough that I actually cared (Mungo, Throm; they lasted 2 pages).

All of the magical disciplines seem useful so far, and most situations allow a choice of magic to get you out of it.

My only complaint is that the game balance feels not well balanced. I only survived book 1 with 3 endurance and 1 willpower, because I set my stats to all-9s and then “accidentally” re-rolled a killing blow or two. Once I accepted that I have to cheat, I focused on the writing and atmosphere and enjoyed it more. 🙂

I enjoyed it so much that when I did survive, I dug right into book 2 the same evening. So that’s why I’ve been too busy to post. Good times.


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First published April 11, 2022. Last updated April 11, 2022.