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Still chewing away at Fangs of Fury

I’ve been working on Fangs of Fury as time allows, an hour here and there.

I am impressed by how much is in this book, and by the complexity of the layout. My mapping is up to 11 pages so far, and I don’t think I’m even close to having found everything.

If you the right-hand tunnel and end up at the shore, you can end up in a village that has its own adventures, such as press gangs and being conscripted yet again, and working on a ship crew for one page until it sinks. It has a second monk who can teach you about White Cubes and XEN. It has connections that may ditch you back at the same goblin and The Irregulars after all that work.

On the northern part of the journey, there are still several directions I’ve not tried yet.

There are at least three different ways to get to the flat-topped mountain, and there’s even more beyond it and not just an insta-death.

It’s really kind of wild, that Luke Sharp is actually using all 400 pages to build out a large and complicated map.


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First published March 15, 2023. Last updated March 15, 2023.