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Home » Gamebook Adventures » Revenant Rising

Revenant Rising

GA04-CoverYOU BECOME a petty crook, when a friend talks you into burglarizing a necromancer’s dungeon. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, let’s put it this way…

When you anger a necromancer, betrayal and murder are just the beginning.


Review and Opinion

This was my first of the Gamebook Adventure series, as it had the highest reviews in the Apple App Store. It’s a pretty solid adventure through and through. Seemingly-small choices open up whole new pathways. Old friends and new enemies appear in unlikely places. The very ending where some books add a half-dozen Test Your Luck rolls just to stretch it thinner, stays solid and does not disappoint.

My only complaint is the combat system and balancing the combat difficulty, and it’s a complaint I make constantly across the whole series. At 4d6 damage on a hit, and with a max Vitality of 48, a pair of giant rats can totally kill you. There’s not nearly enough healing in this book to make up the difference, and it’s flatly hopeless unless you play in Casual mode and use Heal Me from time to time.

Still, a solid enough story that I’m going to give the other ones a chance!








Written by Kieran Coghlan

Illustrated by Kyle Ferrin


Book 4 in the series


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Tags to Other Adventures

2012 Gamebook Adventures Kieran Coghlan Kyle Ferrin Orlandes Tin Man Games Video Game

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First published June 1, 2016. Last updated May 17, 2023.