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Survived the forbidden city of Gyanima

Last night I finished The Forbidden City, book 2 of the Grey Star series.

There’s a tedious gauntlet in the middle where you’ll certainly die if you don’t have these two specific skills, but that same gauntlet also lays on the lore and atmosphere nice ‘n’ thick. And aside from that, it’s pretty decent. There are more memorable characters, who I’ll miss when I’m in the other dimension in book 3. There’s swamp and city, and revolutionary battles and ghosts, and crazy people living their weird lives in the ruined city.

It’s not the huge epic quest of some game books, but it’s fun times, I had to rein myself in from just cracking open book 3 that same evening. Gotta write up the maps and ink in my character sheet (“save point”).

But perhaps tomorrow night.

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First published April 20, 2022. Last updated April 20, 2022.