Fighting Fantasy Fan
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Server upgrade! She Hulk! Moon Knight! Baldur’s Gate 3!

It’s been a busy month with other things.

I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for a fair bit of my free time, which has been cutting into the game books time. It’s a fun game, engaging, large, full of explosions and intrigue and all the stuff we like about video games. I’ve gotten to the final boss fight, but haven’t won it yet. But, that’s where I’ve been spending my free time lately.

A few weeks back we finished playing She Hulk Goes to Murderworld, which was a lot of fun. But it looks like I just forgot to blog about it! Go read my glowing review, and go buy a copy for yourself.

I then started on Moon Knight: Age of Anubis, another of the Marvel Multiverse Missions. My sweetie and I have played it a few times, but can’t get past the first encounter with the bad guy after several playthroughs. So, I’ve sat down and mapped out the first section to see what we’re missing, whether we need phenomenal luck or just need to follow a very narrow path. I should have this first part worked out in a day or two, then we can get back to actually playing!

And just today, I upgraded the server hosting this site. The hardware has more memory, and the software is a newer version of Ubuntu. Apparently the site went down several days ago, and I have been too busy to notice – and the monitoring service didn’t even tell me, though it has the downtime logged. Well, anyway, that shouldn’t happen again after this upgrade.

So, despite seeming quiet, I’m still enjoying game books and will post more adventures soon. Cheers!

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First published April 30, 2024. Last updated April 30, 2024.