Fighting Fantasy Fan
The Fighting Fantasy fansite in which YOU become the hero!

Tag: Shasarak

War of the Wizards

March 8, 2022

YOU are still Grey Star the Wizard… as you return from the not-so-mysterious Daziarn Plane with the magic rock in hand. That took three books to accomplish step two of your plan. Now it’s time make your move on Shasarak the Wytch-King, to assassinate him and make the world a better place. But it won’t […]

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Beyond the Nightmare Gate

YOU continue being Grey Star the Wizard on a quest for the magical Moonstone which can defeat the big bad wizard emperor. In book two, you found your way across the swamps and to the Shadow Gate, and here in book three you delve into the mysterious Daziarn plane, a world of mystery and dream […]

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Grey Star the Wizard

YOU become Grey Star the Wizard, protege of the ancient and mysterious Shianti wizards. The wytch-king Shasarak rules the Shadakine Empire, where nobody is happy. The magical Shianti would love to do something about it, but they are forbidden to interfere with human affairs. So, when someone left a baby on their doorstep they saw […]

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The Forbidden City

YOU become Grey Star the Wizard and and at the end of book 1 you were torn up, exhausted of magic, and doomed to be eaten by giant mantis creatures… immediately before you were rescued by the Kundi people you had hoped to find. The Kundi shaman says that the Shadow Gate will appear for […]

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