Fighting Fantasy Fan
The Fighting Fantasy fansite in which YOU become the hero!

Tag: Ian Livingstone

Crypt of the Sorcerer

June 20, 2024

YOU become the hero of Allansia, tasked with hunting down a wizard who just won’t stay dead. Razaak’s tomb was sealed with magic that takes 110 years to set properly and dispel his evil permanently, but here at 100 some tomb robbers broke the seal and… well, you know how it goes. Yaztromo is too […]

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Trial of Champions

July 18, 2023

YOU become a gladiatorial slave of Lord Carnuss, brother of Baron Sukumvit. Last year some wise guy survived the infamous Deathtrap Dungeon, and Carnuss wants to upstage his brother by having one of his slaves do it again. That’s where you come in. Lord Carnuss has bought 42 slaves, and you’re one of them. His […]

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Armies of Death

June 2, 2018

YOU become a wealthy warlord and command an army! Rumor has it that a demon named Agglax is amassing an army to the east. Of course you, brave hero, will do something about it. But this time, none of that “solo adventurer” rubbish! With your reward money from the Trial of Champions, you bought a […]

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Caverns of the Snow Witch

YOU become the animal control officer when your employer’s caravan is menaced by a vicious yeti. The job is simple: hike up the mountain and kill the yeti. And indeed, this is done in about 10 pages. But then you hear that there’s a cave with a witch living in it. Being a brave adventurer […]

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Island of the Lizard King

June 6, 2016

YOU become the hero of Oyster Bay. The prison of Fire Island was closed down officially, but the Lizard King who was contracted to run the prison, still means to turn a profit. And when there aren’t enough prisoners, Lizard Men raid the quiet town of Oyster Bay, kidnapping men to labor in the gold […]

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City of Thieves

January 12, 2016

YOU become a complete bastard, breaking into peoples’ homes, killing them for their pocket change, accosting old ladies in the sewer, and getting silly facial tattoos. Because Zanbar Bone, a skeleton with a horde of undead at his command, is demanding human tribute from the town of Silverton. (he’s a skeleton named Bone? seriously?) Sometimes, […]

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Talisman of Death

December 11, 2015

YOU become the hero of the world of Orb, abducted from Earth. You are no doughty adventurer, but a fantasy fiction fan who was chosen for your prowess in Fighting Fantasy books. Kind of like The Last Starfighter, right? The Gods who summoned you, have only one request: go home back to Earth, and take […]

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Return to Firetop Mountain

October 31, 2015

YOU become the hero of Anvil again. Ten years ago some troublemaking adventurer killed Zagor, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain. Geez, what a jerk! But as wizards do, he’s coming back to life… and he’s raiding the town of Anvil for unwilling organ donors to build his new body. So grab your sword and lantern, […]

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Temple of Terror

July 30, 2015

YOU ARE ALREADY the hero of Stonebridge thanks to your exploits in the Forest of Doom. While you’re chilling with dwarves and talking about warhammers… Yaztromo shows up with word that the evil wizard Malbordus is creating an army of dragons. Cancel vacation and grab your rucksack — it’s time to hunt a wizard! But […]

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Deathtrap Dungeon

March 27, 2015

YOU become meat for the grinder…. Baron Sukumvit is a sick weirdo, who lavished a fortune on building a maze, filling it with traps and exotic monsters, then sending his retinue of guards into it. Encouraged by the total extermination of his squad, he hung out the sign: Open for business. 10,000 GP if you […]

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The Forest of Doom

YOU become some barbarian wandering the woods, itching for adventure and blood. One night, a dying dwarf collapses at your feet and begs you to finish his quest — to search Darkwood Forest for the two halves of a magical hammer that will bring them motivation to fight back against the trolls. Yeah, okay, so […]

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Freeway Fighter

October 15, 2014

YOU become a road warrior. It’s the year 2022, and Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior is either a training video or a historical documentary. The village of New Hope has sent you across the desert to pick up a tanker full of precious gasoline.  It’s time for a lethal roadtrip, in your Dodge Interceptor […]

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Warlock of Firetop Mountain

September 23, 2014

YOU become the original hero as an adventurer out for that famous (but unspecified) treasure of the Warlock of Firetop Mountain. What could be more heroic than hearing that a wizard is rich, so heading into his home to kill him and steal the loot? Grab your sword and two doses of potion, and head […]

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