Fighting Fantasy Fan
The Fighting Fantasy fansite in which YOU become the hero!

Tag: Fighting Fantasy

Crypt of the Sorcerer

June 20, 2024

YOU become the hero of Allansia, tasked with hunting down a wizard who just won’t stay dead. Razaak’s tomb was sealed with magic that takes 110 years to set properly and dispel his evil permanently, but here at 100 some tomb robbers broke the seal and… well, you know how it goes. Yaztromo is too […]

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Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Adventure

March 31, 2023

YOU become the adventurer in Deathtrap Dungeon but this time you get to listen. Deathtrap Dungeon: The Interactive Video Adventure is an audio/video experience where Eddie Marsan reads Deathtrap Dungeon to you, and you click the choice. It really is Deathtrap Dungeon, word for word, the same critters and maps and all – just read […]

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Fangs of Fury

March 5, 2023

YOU become a “volunteer” when your city’s self-defense system shuts down. The city is under siege by some warlord or another (of course) and they’re being directed by some evil wizard (yeah, sounds right). The city has a self-defense system of stone dragons that will exhale fire on the bad guys, but don’t-ya-know-it they ran […]

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Seas of Blood

December 13, 2021

YOU become one of the most feared pirates of the Inland Sea. But you want to be THE MOST feared pirate of the sea, so you and your rival Abdul the Butcher make a friendly wager. You’ll set off in your ships, and meet at the opposite end of the sea in fifty days, and […]

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Creature of Havoc

April 23, 2021

YOU become the monster in the dungeon, killing hapless intruders into your dungeon home and feasting on their flesh. In particular, you have a fondness for hobbit meat, especially still warm. Your actions are random and thoughtless until you stumble across a vial of fog, the Vapor of Reason, and gain free will. Now you […]

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Tower of Destruction

December 12, 2020

YOU become pissed off, hungry for revenge! On the way home from a trading expedition, a flying sphere in the sky blasts fire and destruction on your village, killing most of your friends and family, and leaving everything else in flames. This time, there’s no king sending you to pick up a stolen McGuffin. It’s […]

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Chasms of Malice

November 30, 2020

YOU become the last descendant of the king who founded this kingdom. A bajillion years ago (as it always is) the king’s evil brother and his seven lieutenants were banished to the underground cities to live with dark elves and blind cave people. A magic shield keeps this imprisonment in effect, and also brings good […]

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The Rings of Kether

September 4, 2019

YOU become a vice squad detective looking to bust a drug ring on the remote planet Kether. Like the deadly Marijuana scourge of the twentieth century, this terrible drug is a threat to boredom and conformity and squareness around the world. Yes, the War on Drugs has reached out to the stars. You’ll have exciting […]

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Deathtrap Dungeon Trilogy Video Game

May 16, 2019

This sequel to Fighting Fantasy Legends brings three more classic FF gamebooks into video game form. This time, the books are the Baron Sukumvit trilogy: Deathtrap Dungeon Trial of Champions and Armies of Death But they’ve changed a few things, not all of them for the better. For a start, there’s an opening menu to […]

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Fighting Fantasy Legends

Fighting Fantasy Legends is a medley/mashup of three of the most popular Fighting Fantasy titles: Warlock of Firetop Mountain Citadel of Chaos and City of Thieves The playing style is an open world, where you discover these three interconnected adventures while poking about town. You don’t need to do them in any specific sequence — […]

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The Crown of Kings

March 9, 2019

YOU become a mountain climber winding your way through the mountains of Mampang. You’ve spent three books surviving the Shamutanti Hills, the city of Khare, and the desert of Kakhabad, and the Archmage’s fortress is in sight. You’ll have to survive theĀ  mountains, then the four levels of a fortress crawling with guards who (probably) […]

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The Seven Serpents

YOU continue becoming the hero as your trek across Kakhabad continues. You’ve escaped Khare and continue your trek across the plains and desert. But seven magical serpents have found out about your mission, and are on their way to Mampang to tell the Archmage that you’re coming. You should kill off as many of these […]

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Khare, Cityport of Traps

YOU continue your very long hike out of the Shamutanti Hills and into the infamous city of Khare. The way they describe it, sounds like Port Blacksand and Mos Eisley had a baby city, and raised it in Hell’s Kitchen. You don’t even want to be here, but the local Chamber of Commerce has chosen […]

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The Shamutanti Hills

YOU become an extreme hiker across the land of Kakhabad. The magical Crown of Kings grants prosperity and leadership to the king who wears it, and it’s been going great. (Thus the crown bearing the slogan “Make Kakhabad Great Again”) But it all goes to pot when the crown falls into the hands of a […]

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Armies of Death

June 2, 2018

YOU become a wealthy warlord and command an army! Rumor has it that a demon named Agglax is amassing an army to the east. Of course you, brave hero, will do something about it. But this time, none of that “solo adventurer” rubbish! With your reward money from the Trial of Champions, you bought a […]

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Caverns of the Snow Witch

YOU become the animal control officer when your employer’s caravan is menaced by a vicious yeti. The job is simple: hike up the mountain and kill the yeti. And indeed, this is done in about 10 pages. But then you hear that there’s a cave with a witch living in it. Being a brave adventurer […]

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Battleblade Warrior

May 18, 2018

YOU become the hero of a city under siege. The lizard men, orcs, and goblins have held Vymorna under a war of attrition for years. Food is running out, morale is wearing thin, and people are dying. You have a vision from the god Telak, telling you to seek the Sword of Telak which will […]

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Spectral Stalkers

August 11, 2017

YOU become hunted prey for the stalkers when an angel falls from the sky and drops the Aleph into your care. This sphere contains the entire universe, so don’t drop it. By the way, the Spectral Stalkers are hunting for that thing and they can smell adrenaline, so you’ll want to keep moving and avoid […]

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Masks of Mayhem

August 5, 2017

YOU become a king of some insignificant municipality, where you don’t even know the king immediately north of you, and have never been further from home than Lake Nekros outside of town. Your court wizard informs you that Morgana, a sorcerer, is holed up in the mountains to the northeast collecting masks of elemental power […]

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Island of the Lizard King

June 6, 2016

YOU become the hero of Oyster Bay. The prison of Fire Island was closed down officially, but the Lizard King who was contracted to run the prison, still means to turn a profit. And when there aren’t enough prisoners, Lizard Men raid the quiet town of Oyster Bay, kidnapping men to labor in the gold […]

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Star Strider

May 13, 2016

YOU become a bounty hunter which gives you some plausibility for being on Earth and snooping around asking questions. But this time you’re not snagging a bail-jumper for a paycheck — the Galactic President has been kidnapped and aliens are burrowing into his brain to get the secrets inside. Totally Ghost In The Shell, eh? […]

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